Wednesday March 12, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Tiny Tots Playgroup - Tiny Tots Playgroup Tiny Tots Playgroup on Wednesdays in January, February, & March (starting 1/22) ** 10:30am-Noon @ the Town Hall Opera HouseBeat those winter blues and join our free playgroup for children 5 & under. Drop-in and take advantage of some open space for your child to run around, play with toys, and socialize with other kids! It’s a great way for parents to get out of the house and meet other parents too. We will supply various toys and activities. Parents must be present.
1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Basketball - 4th grade travel team Basketball Registrations October 1st - 25th Sign-ups taken after 10/25 will receive a $10 late fee. No registrations taken after November 1st! Grades K - 6th **ALL of our correspondence is done through email and/or text blasts. PLEASE make sure your account is subscribed to our blasts in your notification setting on your account. Our seasons depend on volunteer coaches. We need your help in order to have a successful season. Please consider volunteering and helping these kiddos. You do not need to be an expert basketball player to coach! Especially the younger kids. They just need someone who is willing to show up and help them learn the basics. Please contact Parks & Rec if you're willing to step up.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:45 PM - 7:45 PM
Dungeons & Dragons Club - D&D Youth Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Wakefield!Step into a world full of adventure, fantasy, and mystery, where danger lurks around every corner and monsters of all kinds roam the land. Embark on thrilling quests as a magical fantasy creature or a valiant knight wielding an enchanted sword. Join a group of fellow adventurers for weekly sessions above the tabletop and dive into the action with your party of 5.Whether you're a seasoned player or brand new to the game, everyone is welcome! Spectators can also join in and enjoy the adventure as it unfolds.Details:
Mature Campaign $5 per week to participate (spectators are free!) (Youth FREE)
Includes pizza and drinks shared among the group
16+ for the mature campaign ~ Thursdays
Youth campaign available for younger adventurers ~ Wednesdays
Wednesdays 5:45 - 7:45pm
Thursdays 5:45 PM - 8PM
March 12th
Wakefield P&R, 132 Meadow Street, Sanbornville, NH 03872
Please pre register online or call us to sign up!
Thursday March 13, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Cribbage Club - Cribbage Club Join us on Thursdays 1-3pm @ Parks & Rec for cribbage club. All adults are welcome. Coffee & light refreshments served.
Don't forget to come by early the second Thursday of each month for wellness checks prior to cribbage club. More info here.... Wellness Checks Info
1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Basketball - 4th grade travel team Basketball Registrations October 1st - 25th Sign-ups taken after 10/25 will receive a $10 late fee. No registrations taken after November 1st! Grades K - 6th **ALL of our correspondence is done through email and/or text blasts. PLEASE make sure your account is subscribed to our blasts in your notification setting on your account. Our seasons depend on volunteer coaches. We need your help in order to have a successful season. Please consider volunteering and helping these kiddos. You do not need to be an expert basketball player to coach! Especially the younger kids. They just need someone who is willing to show up and help them learn the basics. Please contact Parks & Rec if you're willing to step up.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:45 PM - 8:00 PM
Dungeons & Dragons Club - D&D - Mature Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Wakefield!Step into a world full of adventure, fantasy, and mystery, where danger lurks around every corner and monsters of all kinds roam the land. Embark on thrilling quests as a magical fantasy creature or a valiant knight wielding an enchanted sword. Join a group of fellow adventurers for weekly sessions above the tabletop and dive into the action with your party of 5.Whether you're a seasoned player or brand new to the game, everyone is welcome! Spectators can also join in and enjoy the adventure as it unfolds.Details:
Mature Campaign $5 per week to participate (spectators are free!) (Youth FREE)
Includes pizza and drinks shared among the group
16+ for the mature campaign ~ Thursdays
Youth campaign available for younger adventurers ~ Wednesdays
Wednesdays 5:45 - 7:45pm
Thursdays 5:45 PM - 8PM
March 12th
Wakefield P&R, 132 Meadow Street, Sanbornville, NH 03872
Please pre register online or call us to sign up!
Friday March 14, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Basketball - 4th grade travel team Basketball Registrations October 1st - 25th Sign-ups taken after 10/25 will receive a $10 late fee. No registrations taken after November 1st! Grades K - 6th **ALL of our correspondence is done through email and/or text blasts. PLEASE make sure your account is subscribed to our blasts in your notification setting on your account. Our seasons depend on volunteer coaches. We need your help in order to have a successful season. Please consider volunteering and helping these kiddos. You do not need to be an expert basketball player to coach! Especially the younger kids. They just need someone who is willing to show up and help them learn the basics. Please contact Parks & Rec if you're willing to step up.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
Monday March 17, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Basketball - 4th grade travel team Basketball Registrations October 1st - 25th Sign-ups taken after 10/25 will receive a $10 late fee. No registrations taken after November 1st! Grades K - 6th **ALL of our correspondence is done through email and/or text blasts. PLEASE make sure your account is subscribed to our blasts in your notification setting on your account. Our seasons depend on volunteer coaches. We need your help in order to have a successful season. Please consider volunteering and helping these kiddos. You do not need to be an expert basketball player to coach! Especially the younger kids. They just need someone who is willing to show up and help them learn the basics. Please contact Parks & Rec if you're willing to step up.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
Tuesday March 18, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Basketball - 4th grade travel team Basketball Registrations October 1st - 25th Sign-ups taken after 10/25 will receive a $10 late fee. No registrations taken after November 1st! Grades K - 6th **ALL of our correspondence is done through email and/or text blasts. PLEASE make sure your account is subscribed to our blasts in your notification setting on your account. Our seasons depend on volunteer coaches. We need your help in order to have a successful season. Please consider volunteering and helping these kiddos. You do not need to be an expert basketball player to coach! Especially the younger kids. They just need someone who is willing to show up and help them learn the basics. Please contact Parks & Rec if you're willing to step up.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Yoga - Yoga All Levels Yoga Tuesdays @ 5:30 pm Town Hall Opera House3/4 & 3/11 Classes will be held @ the Paul Elementary School due to scheduling conflicts with the Town Hall A gentle hatha- style class combining movement and breath to feel grounded and centered and strong. Hatha style yoga moves through asanas (yoga poses) slower than a flow class. We pause in each pose for several breaths. This class offers you the gift of slowing down, being in your body and feeling different sensations. This class is beginner friendly and can also be modified for the more experienced yogi. Instructor:Kim Fish, LMTBodywork MentorRegister here -
Wednesday March 19, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Tiny Tots Playgroup - Tiny Tots Playgroup Tiny Tots Playgroup on Wednesdays in January, February, & March (starting 1/22) ** 10:30am-Noon @ the Town Hall Opera HouseBeat those winter blues and join our free playgroup for children 5 & under. Drop-in and take advantage of some open space for your child to run around, play with toys, and socialize with other kids! It’s a great way for parents to get out of the house and meet other parents too. We will supply various toys and activities. Parents must be present.
1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Basketball - 4th grade travel team Basketball Registrations October 1st - 25th Sign-ups taken after 10/25 will receive a $10 late fee. No registrations taken after November 1st! Grades K - 6th **ALL of our correspondence is done through email and/or text blasts. PLEASE make sure your account is subscribed to our blasts in your notification setting on your account. Our seasons depend on volunteer coaches. We need your help in order to have a successful season. Please consider volunteering and helping these kiddos. You do not need to be an expert basketball player to coach! Especially the younger kids. They just need someone who is willing to show up and help them learn the basics. Please contact Parks & Rec if you're willing to step up.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:45 PM - 7:45 PM
Dungeons & Dragons Club - D&D Youth Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Wakefield!Step into a world full of adventure, fantasy, and mystery, where danger lurks around every corner and monsters of all kinds roam the land. Embark on thrilling quests as a magical fantasy creature or a valiant knight wielding an enchanted sword. Join a group of fellow adventurers for weekly sessions above the tabletop and dive into the action with your party of 5.Whether you're a seasoned player or brand new to the game, everyone is welcome! Spectators can also join in and enjoy the adventure as it unfolds.Details:
Mature Campaign $5 per week to participate (spectators are free!) (Youth FREE)
Includes pizza and drinks shared among the group
16+ for the mature campaign ~ Thursdays
Youth campaign available for younger adventurers ~ Wednesdays
Wednesdays 5:45 - 7:45pm
Thursdays 5:45 PM - 8PM
March 12th
Wakefield P&R, 132 Meadow Street, Sanbornville, NH 03872
Please pre register online or call us to sign up!
Thursday March 20, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Cribbage Club - Cribbage Club Join us on Thursdays 1-3pm @ Parks & Rec for cribbage club. All adults are welcome. Coffee & light refreshments served.
Don't forget to come by early the second Thursday of each month for wellness checks prior to cribbage club. More info here.... Wellness Checks Info
1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Basketball - 4th grade travel team Basketball Registrations October 1st - 25th Sign-ups taken after 10/25 will receive a $10 late fee. No registrations taken after November 1st! Grades K - 6th **ALL of our correspondence is done through email and/or text blasts. PLEASE make sure your account is subscribed to our blasts in your notification setting on your account. Our seasons depend on volunteer coaches. We need your help in order to have a successful season. Please consider volunteering and helping these kiddos. You do not need to be an expert basketball player to coach! Especially the younger kids. They just need someone who is willing to show up and help them learn the basics. Please contact Parks & Rec if you're willing to step up.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:45 PM - 8:00 PM
Dungeons & Dragons Club - D&D - Mature Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Wakefield!Step into a world full of adventure, fantasy, and mystery, where danger lurks around every corner and monsters of all kinds roam the land. Embark on thrilling quests as a magical fantasy creature or a valiant knight wielding an enchanted sword. Join a group of fellow adventurers for weekly sessions above the tabletop and dive into the action with your party of 5.Whether you're a seasoned player or brand new to the game, everyone is welcome! Spectators can also join in and enjoy the adventure as it unfolds.Details:
Mature Campaign $5 per week to participate (spectators are free!) (Youth FREE)
Includes pizza and drinks shared among the group
16+ for the mature campaign ~ Thursdays
Youth campaign available for younger adventurers ~ Wednesdays
Wednesdays 5:45 - 7:45pm
Thursdays 5:45 PM - 8PM
March 12th
Wakefield P&R, 132 Meadow Street, Sanbornville, NH 03872
Please pre register online or call us to sign up!
Friday March 21, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Basketball - 4th grade travel team Basketball Registrations October 1st - 25th Sign-ups taken after 10/25 will receive a $10 late fee. No registrations taken after November 1st! Grades K - 6th **ALL of our correspondence is done through email and/or text blasts. PLEASE make sure your account is subscribed to our blasts in your notification setting on your account. Our seasons depend on volunteer coaches. We need your help in order to have a successful season. Please consider volunteering and helping these kiddos. You do not need to be an expert basketball player to coach! Especially the younger kids. They just need someone who is willing to show up and help them learn the basics. Please contact Parks & Rec if you're willing to step up.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
Monday March 24, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Basketball - 4th grade travel team Basketball Registrations October 1st - 25th Sign-ups taken after 10/25 will receive a $10 late fee. No registrations taken after November 1st! Grades K - 6th **ALL of our correspondence is done through email and/or text blasts. PLEASE make sure your account is subscribed to our blasts in your notification setting on your account. Our seasons depend on volunteer coaches. We need your help in order to have a successful season. Please consider volunteering and helping these kiddos. You do not need to be an expert basketball player to coach! Especially the younger kids. They just need someone who is willing to show up and help them learn the basics. Please contact Parks & Rec if you're willing to step up.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
Tuesday March 25, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Basketball - 4th grade travel team Basketball Registrations October 1st - 25th Sign-ups taken after 10/25 will receive a $10 late fee. No registrations taken after November 1st! Grades K - 6th **ALL of our correspondence is done through email and/or text blasts. PLEASE make sure your account is subscribed to our blasts in your notification setting on your account. Our seasons depend on volunteer coaches. We need your help in order to have a successful season. Please consider volunteering and helping these kiddos. You do not need to be an expert basketball player to coach! Especially the younger kids. They just need someone who is willing to show up and help them learn the basics. Please contact Parks & Rec if you're willing to step up.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Yoga - Yoga All Levels Yoga Tuesdays @ 5:30 pm Town Hall Opera House3/4 & 3/11 Classes will be held @ the Paul Elementary School due to scheduling conflicts with the Town Hall A gentle hatha- style class combining movement and breath to feel grounded and centered and strong. Hatha style yoga moves through asanas (yoga poses) slower than a flow class. We pause in each pose for several breaths. This class offers you the gift of slowing down, being in your body and feeling different sensations. This class is beginner friendly and can also be modified for the more experienced yogi. Instructor:Kim Fish, LMTBodywork MentorRegister here -
Wednesday March 26, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Tiny Tots Playgroup - Tiny Tots Playgroup Tiny Tots Playgroup on Wednesdays in January, February, & March (starting 1/22) ** 10:30am-Noon @ the Town Hall Opera HouseBeat those winter blues and join our free playgroup for children 5 & under. Drop-in and take advantage of some open space for your child to run around, play with toys, and socialize with other kids! It’s a great way for parents to get out of the house and meet other parents too. We will supply various toys and activities. Parents must be present.
1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Basketball - 4th grade travel team Basketball Registrations October 1st - 25th Sign-ups taken after 10/25 will receive a $10 late fee. No registrations taken after November 1st! Grades K - 6th **ALL of our correspondence is done through email and/or text blasts. PLEASE make sure your account is subscribed to our blasts in your notification setting on your account. Our seasons depend on volunteer coaches. We need your help in order to have a successful season. Please consider volunteering and helping these kiddos. You do not need to be an expert basketball player to coach! Especially the younger kids. They just need someone who is willing to show up and help them learn the basics. Please contact Parks & Rec if you're willing to step up.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:45 PM - 7:45 PM
Dungeons & Dragons Club - D&D Youth Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Wakefield!Step into a world full of adventure, fantasy, and mystery, where danger lurks around every corner and monsters of all kinds roam the land. Embark on thrilling quests as a magical fantasy creature or a valiant knight wielding an enchanted sword. Join a group of fellow adventurers for weekly sessions above the tabletop and dive into the action with your party of 5.Whether you're a seasoned player or brand new to the game, everyone is welcome! Spectators can also join in and enjoy the adventure as it unfolds.Details:
Mature Campaign $5 per week to participate (spectators are free!) (Youth FREE)
Includes pizza and drinks shared among the group
16+ for the mature campaign ~ Thursdays
Youth campaign available for younger adventurers ~ Wednesdays
Wednesdays 5:45 - 7:45pm
Thursdays 5:45 PM - 8PM
March 12th
Wakefield P&R, 132 Meadow Street, Sanbornville, NH 03872
Please pre register online or call us to sign up!
Thursday March 27, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Cribbage Club - Cribbage Club Join us on Thursdays 1-3pm @ Parks & Rec for cribbage club. All adults are welcome. Coffee & light refreshments served.
Don't forget to come by early the second Thursday of each month for wellness checks prior to cribbage club. More info here.... Wellness Checks Info
1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Basketball - 4th grade travel team Basketball Registrations October 1st - 25th Sign-ups taken after 10/25 will receive a $10 late fee. No registrations taken after November 1st! Grades K - 6th **ALL of our correspondence is done through email and/or text blasts. PLEASE make sure your account is subscribed to our blasts in your notification setting on your account. Our seasons depend on volunteer coaches. We need your help in order to have a successful season. Please consider volunteering and helping these kiddos. You do not need to be an expert basketball player to coach! Especially the younger kids. They just need someone who is willing to show up and help them learn the basics. Please contact Parks & Rec if you're willing to step up.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:45 PM - 8:00 PM
Dungeons & Dragons Club - D&D - Mature Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Wakefield!Step into a world full of adventure, fantasy, and mystery, where danger lurks around every corner and monsters of all kinds roam the land. Embark on thrilling quests as a magical fantasy creature or a valiant knight wielding an enchanted sword. Join a group of fellow adventurers for weekly sessions above the tabletop and dive into the action with your party of 5.Whether you're a seasoned player or brand new to the game, everyone is welcome! Spectators can also join in and enjoy the adventure as it unfolds.Details:
Mature Campaign $5 per week to participate (spectators are free!) (Youth FREE)
Includes pizza and drinks shared among the group
16+ for the mature campaign ~ Thursdays
Youth campaign available for younger adventurers ~ Wednesdays
Wednesdays 5:45 - 7:45pm
Thursdays 5:45 PM - 8PM
March 12th
Wakefield P&R, 132 Meadow Street, Sanbornville, NH 03872
Please pre register online or call us to sign up!
Friday March 28, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Basketball - 4th grade travel team Basketball Registrations October 1st - 25th Sign-ups taken after 10/25 will receive a $10 late fee. No registrations taken after November 1st! Grades K - 6th **ALL of our correspondence is done through email and/or text blasts. PLEASE make sure your account is subscribed to our blasts in your notification setting on your account. Our seasons depend on volunteer coaches. We need your help in order to have a successful season. Please consider volunteering and helping these kiddos. You do not need to be an expert basketball player to coach! Especially the younger kids. They just need someone who is willing to show up and help them learn the basics. Please contact Parks & Rec if you're willing to step up.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
Monday March 31, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
Tuesday April 1, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
Wellness Clinics - wellness clinics Stop by the Recreation Department the second Thursday of the each month, starting February 8th at 12:30 for a wellness check by Cornerstone VNA. They will check your blood pressure, oxygen, pulse, blood sugar and weight for free! Feel free to hang around after and play cribbage with our cribbage group.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Yoga - Yoga All Levels Yoga Tuesdays @ 5:30 pm Town Hall Opera House3/4 & 3/11 Classes will be held @ the Paul Elementary School due to scheduling conflicts with the Town Hall A gentle hatha- style class combining movement and breath to feel grounded and centered and strong. Hatha style yoga moves through asanas (yoga poses) slower than a flow class. We pause in each pose for several breaths. This class offers you the gift of slowing down, being in your body and feeling different sensations. This class is beginner friendly and can also be modified for the more experienced yogi. Instructor:Kim Fish, LMTBodywork MentorRegister here -
Wednesday April 2, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:45 PM - 7:45 PM
Dungeons & Dragons Club - D&D Youth Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Wakefield!Step into a world full of adventure, fantasy, and mystery, where danger lurks around every corner and monsters of all kinds roam the land. Embark on thrilling quests as a magical fantasy creature or a valiant knight wielding an enchanted sword. Join a group of fellow adventurers for weekly sessions above the tabletop and dive into the action with your party of 5.Whether you're a seasoned player or brand new to the game, everyone is welcome! Spectators can also join in and enjoy the adventure as it unfolds.Details:
Mature Campaign $5 per week to participate (spectators are free!) (Youth FREE)
Includes pizza and drinks shared among the group
16+ for the mature campaign ~ Thursdays
Youth campaign available for younger adventurers ~ Wednesdays
Wednesdays 5:45 - 7:45pm
Thursdays 5:45 PM - 8PM
March 12th
Wakefield P&R, 132 Meadow Street, Sanbornville, NH 03872
Please pre register online or call us to sign up!
Thursday April 3, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Cribbage Club - Cribbage Club Join us on Thursdays 1-3pm @ Parks & Rec for cribbage club. All adults are welcome. Coffee & light refreshments served.
Don't forget to come by early the second Thursday of each month for wellness checks prior to cribbage club. More info here.... Wellness Checks Info
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:45 PM - 8:00 PM
Dungeons & Dragons Club - D&D - Mature Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Wakefield!Step into a world full of adventure, fantasy, and mystery, where danger lurks around every corner and monsters of all kinds roam the land. Embark on thrilling quests as a magical fantasy creature or a valiant knight wielding an enchanted sword. Join a group of fellow adventurers for weekly sessions above the tabletop and dive into the action with your party of 5.Whether you're a seasoned player or brand new to the game, everyone is welcome! Spectators can also join in and enjoy the adventure as it unfolds.Details:
Mature Campaign $5 per week to participate (spectators are free!) (Youth FREE)
Includes pizza and drinks shared among the group
16+ for the mature campaign ~ Thursdays
Youth campaign available for younger adventurers ~ Wednesdays
Wednesdays 5:45 - 7:45pm
Thursdays 5:45 PM - 8PM
March 12th
Wakefield P&R, 132 Meadow Street, Sanbornville, NH 03872
Please pre register online or call us to sign up!
Friday April 4, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Family Nerf Night - Nerf Night - Session 1 Studios2go is back for another night of fun for the whole family. Players can square off in a variety of games including Big Team Battle, Free for All, Capture the Flag, Duos, and Squads.Friday, April 4th 6-8pm @ the Paul School $15 per ticket per personSpace is limited to the first 40 registered participants. Pre-registration requiredAll supplies will be provided. Session 1 (20 spots): 6-7pmSession 2 (20 spots): 7-8pm Register for one slot or both!
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Family Nerf Night - Nerf Night - Session 2 Studios2go is back for another night of fun for the whole family. Players can square off in a variety of games including Big Team Battle, Free for All, Capture the Flag, Duos, and Squads.Friday, April 4th 6-8pm @ the Paul School $15 per ticket per personSpace is limited to the first 40 registered participants. Pre-registration requiredAll supplies will be provided. Session 1 (20 spots): 6-7pmSession 2 (20 spots): 7-8pm Register for one slot or both!
Monday April 7, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
Tuesday April 8, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Yoga - Yoga All Levels Yoga Tuesdays @ 5:30 pm Town Hall Opera House3/4 & 3/11 Classes will be held @ the Paul Elementary School due to scheduling conflicts with the Town Hall A gentle hatha- style class combining movement and breath to feel grounded and centered and strong. Hatha style yoga moves through asanas (yoga poses) slower than a flow class. We pause in each pose for several breaths. This class offers you the gift of slowing down, being in your body and feeling different sensations. This class is beginner friendly and can also be modified for the more experienced yogi. Instructor:Kim Fish, LMTBodywork MentorRegister here -
Wednesday April 9, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:45 PM - 7:45 PM
Dungeons & Dragons Club - D&D Youth Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Wakefield!Step into a world full of adventure, fantasy, and mystery, where danger lurks around every corner and monsters of all kinds roam the land. Embark on thrilling quests as a magical fantasy creature or a valiant knight wielding an enchanted sword. Join a group of fellow adventurers for weekly sessions above the tabletop and dive into the action with your party of 5.Whether you're a seasoned player or brand new to the game, everyone is welcome! Spectators can also join in and enjoy the adventure as it unfolds.Details:
Mature Campaign $5 per week to participate (spectators are free!) (Youth FREE)
Includes pizza and drinks shared among the group
16+ for the mature campaign ~ Thursdays
Youth campaign available for younger adventurers ~ Wednesdays
Wednesdays 5:45 - 7:45pm
Thursdays 5:45 PM - 8PM
March 12th
Wakefield P&R, 132 Meadow Street, Sanbornville, NH 03872
Please pre register online or call us to sign up!
Thursday April 10, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Cribbage Club - Cribbage Club Join us on Thursdays 1-3pm @ Parks & Rec for cribbage club. All adults are welcome. Coffee & light refreshments served.
Don't forget to come by early the second Thursday of each month for wellness checks prior to cribbage club. More info here.... Wellness Checks Info
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.
5:45 PM - 8:00 PM
Dungeons & Dragons Club - D&D - Mature Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Wakefield!Step into a world full of adventure, fantasy, and mystery, where danger lurks around every corner and monsters of all kinds roam the land. Embark on thrilling quests as a magical fantasy creature or a valiant knight wielding an enchanted sword. Join a group of fellow adventurers for weekly sessions above the tabletop and dive into the action with your party of 5.Whether you're a seasoned player or brand new to the game, everyone is welcome! Spectators can also join in and enjoy the adventure as it unfolds.Details:
Mature Campaign $5 per week to participate (spectators are free!) (Youth FREE)
Includes pizza and drinks shared among the group
16+ for the mature campaign ~ Thursdays
Youth campaign available for younger adventurers ~ Wednesdays
Wednesdays 5:45 - 7:45pm
Thursdays 5:45 PM - 8PM
March 12th
Wakefield P&R, 132 Meadow Street, Sanbornville, NH 03872
Please pre register online or call us to sign up!
Friday April 11, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Employment Opportunities - Now Hiring Wakefield Parks & Recreation Job OpportunitiesCamp CounselorLooking for an exciting job this summer? We’re hiring Camp Counselors (ages 16+) to join our team! Spend your summer making a difference and being apart of something special. Must be positive, energetic, and ready to have fun!! Opportunities may extend to work in our After School Program and special events throughout the year. Applications can be picked up in personor found our website & submitted in person or mailed to Parks & Rec @ 2 High Street Sanbornville NH 03872Please call 522-9977 with any questions. Positions open until filled.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teen Zone - Teen Zone We recently opened a dedicated space for teens to come after school to hang out, have a snack, play games, watch tv, charge their phones, etc. The space is open every school day, 3-5pm @ Parks & Rec. We welcome pre-teens and teens a safe place to go afterschool to hang with friends and connect with Parks & Rec. Free snacks, drinks, and wifi. Drop in anytime.
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
After School Program - Session 2 ASP Registrations for Session 1 of After school program (ASP) will start on July 17th (First day of school-Christmas Break) Program Description: There are 30 spaces available for Wakefield Residents in grades K-6th. Transportation will be provided daily from the school to the Recreation Department by school transportation. The A.S.P. will be open Monday – Friday, 3pm – 5:30pm from the first day of school to the last day of the school year. ASP will be closed on school vacations, snow days, or teacher workshop days. If the school has early dismissal for snow days ASP will be open as long as possible to accommodate parents. We reserve the right to close ASP early in the event of serious snow storms. ASP will be open on early release days @ the regular daily rate. Full Time/Part Time: We will try our best to accommodate parents by offering a part-time option to our program. Parents will be able to pay a daily rate to have their children attend the ASP but they will need to specify the days the children will be in attendance at the time of registration. Fees: Payments will be due every Monday. We require a two-week notice if you are planning to withdraw your child from the ASP. The Rec Department reserves the right to update fees as needed. Parents will receive written notice 30 days in advance of any price increases. 1 FULL TIME CHILD$65 per week2FULL TIME CHILDREN$90 per week3 FULL TIME CHILDREN$115 per week1 PART TIME CHILD$20 per day2 Part Time Children$30 per day 3 Part Time Children$40 per day Attendance: Please make sure to call the Rec at 522-9977 ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program on a certain day. You will not receive a refund if your child misses a day of the ASP. If your child is absent from school they will not be allowed to attend ASP. Transportation: The school bus will be transporting the students from the school to the Recreation Department where members of our staff will be waiting. Your child will need to send in a note the first day of school informing the teacher. If your child will be attending ASP on a part-time basis you will need to alert your teacher of the days that they will be attending. Sign out Details: ASP ends at 5:30pm. If we are to dismiss camp at another location, you will be notified. Children must be signed out by a parent/guardian or person listed as a “pick up person” on their registration form. Staff members are required to request a picture ID from parents or persons they do not recognize. Please ensure anyone listed to pick your child up from ASP knows this policy. Staff will not allow any child to leave with someone unless they have a picture ID and are on the pickup list. If you would like to permit your child to walk or ride their bike home from ASP you will need to sign the walker/bike rider portion of the registration form. Late Pick-Up Policy: ASP ends at 5:30PM. All children must be picked up on time! We have no overtime in our budget and staff must be paid for all hours worked. Any fines must be paid before your child returns to ASP. You will be assessed the following fines if we need to stay late: 1st time warning After 5:30pm $5 After 5:40pm $10 After 5:45pm $15 $5 each additional 5 minutes! Outrageous, isn’t it?! We think so too; however we cannot be waiting for children to be picked up. The fee is a fine, a fine we do not ever want to collect. We would prefer you to pick your child up on time. This fine will not be assessed in cases of family emergencies or legitimate circumstances. In these cases, please call the Recreation Department at 603-522-9977. As we stated before, we hope never to collect a single fine. Please be on time! Clothing requirements: Participants will be required to wear appropriate clothing at all times while at ASP. During the winter months please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside. (Snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) Your child will have an assigned locker if you would like to send a bag of extra winter clothes to be left at the Rec during the week. Daily Activities: Once all students have been dropped off at the Rec Department we will offer a daily snack and rest time before our next activity. We will spend time at the local playgrounds, doing arts & crafts, playing board games, and participating in group games. We will also provide a quiet time for your children to do their homework daily. Personal Items: Counselors reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices until the end of the day if these items become a problem. Squirt guns, toy guns, stuffed animals, and all personal toys or sports equipment should be left at home. Please do not send your child to ASP with large sums of money. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items! We also ask that children leave their cell phones at home. If you prefer your child to carry a cell phone to communication with you then we will need the campers to follow all the rules regarding the use of cell phones during the program. If the phone becomes a problem our staff reserves the right to confiscate the device until the end of the day. Snack: We will provide 1 snack daily. You are welcome to send along extra snacks from home in your child’s bag. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle in their bag that they will be able to use at ASP. Lost & Found: If your child loses something please check the lost & found box located inside the Recreation Department building. Head Lice “No Nit” Policy: A child who is found to have lice or nits will be sent home for at least 24 hours after treatment is completed. Removal of ALL lice and nits is required before returning to camp. Medication Policy: Children are not allowed to bring medication with them or in their belongings to camp. Staff is not allowed to administer medication. We will allow emergency medication to be brought to camp such as EpiPens and inhalers. They may be kept in a child’s backpack, but must be labeled with campers first and last name. Parents must indicate their child’s need for emergency medication on their registration form. Field Trips: We may take trips to local parks or nature trails. Our “Rec Express” is available to transport children to and from surrounding areas. You will be notified if we plan to attend any type of field trip. On early release days, field trips may be scheduled. Certain trips may require extra payments. You will be alerted well in advance if we plan any outings. Policies: The Rec Department reserves the right to cancel any program, event, or activity due to insufficient registration or for any other reason preventing a quality activity. Discipline Policy: It is our goal to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all participants. We ask participants to respect themselves, others, and our environment, by following the rules and instructions given during trips/activities and using appropriate language. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately. Consequences may include participants being sent home, restricted from transportation, and/or suspended from future activities without a refund. We have very strict hands off policy. Any fighting or other unsafe behavior may result in immediate dismissal from Recreation Programs. *If a child’s behavior continues to be a problem, a parent conference will be arranged and child’s participation may be in jeopardy. We reserve the right to remove any child from our program if behavior is continuously a problem.